Relationship Crisis

As per my study in today’s fast-moving world where the majority of the focus of people is work and money, they really don’t know when they get into relationship crisis situation. When you are mid-crisis and fighting though, it is very hard to see that the very thing you are doing to try and resolve the situation is actually making everything far worse.
Today Communication in a relationship has lowered down so drastically that major or the relationship drop down due to this reason.
Effective communication. We have got to have it. We all know of its importance as a vital ingredient in relationships. I don’t need to tell you that. It’s the number one complaint expressed in marriage and couples counseling.
Ask Yourself, Why?
Before asking a question, ask yourself is this for the betterment of the relationship or for yourself? What is the utility of my question? Can it wait? Is what you are asking about a common theme in the relationship or an isolated situation?
Know You’re Worth It.
Some people hesitate to speak up, use their voice and share how they feel. Don’t be that person. Unspoken words often return with a vengeance veiled in resentment. An important question to consider is, why not? Why don’t you feel important enough to speak up? If you cannot speak and share openly, what does that say about your relationship?
The most important factor in any relationship today is “Time” & “Commitment” which no one has.
Cultural Dependency

Humans are bound to be culturally dependent. Though we have step today’s 21st Century but still under the roof of traditional values they propagate cultural dependency. The Problem is there DNA upbringings.
We need to take an initiative and bring independency in each individual. Every Individual has their basic rights to live and make there on identity. Still, people live the life but rather it’s a fake life which there too hate to live in. You need to come out of the box and face the reality. Change is part of life and anything which makes you happy and feel to live is your right to explore.
One’s needs are not always strictly personal but may be shaped by the culture or by various social conditions. In other words, individuals’ needs, motives, and uses of media are contingent on outside factors that may not be in the individuals’ control. These outside factors act as constraints on what and how media can be used and on the availability of other non-media alternatives. Furthermore, the more alternatives and individual had for gratifying needs, the less dependent he or she will become on any single medium. The number of functional alternatives, however, is not just a matter of individual choice or even of psychological traits but is limited also by factors such as availability of certain media.
Demotivational Culture

Right to Live, right to explore your passion, enhance your hobbies and live them in life is the fundamental rights of all the individual. The most important factor which brings demotivation in people life is there won set culture and traditions, they are there in their blood.
Example – A person has its different interest than studies, but as culture says, studying and getting degree is more important than following your heart and interest and finally a person end up with nothing because he did what is didn’t like and didn’t do what he liked because he family culture didn’t support it.
The solution to this is the family support to a person who wants to grow. They you understand the capability of a person and support them to explore in his own sense. And the best solution of an individual is Goal-setting, planning, organizing, and accountability structures are often touted as the big solution to demotivation and the silver bullet that will get you creative and productive again but notice that it’s a useful strategy for dealing with only some types of demotivation. With many other types of demotivation, goal-setting, planning, organizing, and accountability structures will only make your demotivation problem worse.